- Non Surgical
- Average Cost is
- Recovery Time:
Hair Loss is unsurprisingly a familiar condition that affects both genders of all ages. Hair Loss is usually associated with ageing. On an average, a person can lose up to 50 hair on a daily basis but it when these numbers go up and are not replaced by new hair that the condition deems attention. Hair loss does not affect only men, who are often the butt of jokes but also women. Premature hair fall in young people, as well as excessive hair fall, is a common concern even amongst teenagers these days. Besides age, hair loss is caused by medical conditions, nutritional deficiencies, use of chemicals, environmental factors and genes. For treating these conditions, many people usually resort to all sorts of concoctions, DIY solutions and self-help treatments which do not really do any good. It is preferable to visit a dermatologist who would correctly determine the cause of the hair fall and provide suitable options for treatment too.
- P.C. Bhardwaj 25-Aug-2020
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