- Non Surgical
- Average Cost is
1,70,000 to 2,50,000 - Recovery Time: Upto 3 days
- Local Anesthesia
NeoGraft is an FDA-approved machine used for hair transplantation. It uses a minimally invasive automated hair transplant system that facilitates the harvesting of follicles during the FUE technique.The FUE technique, involves harvesting hair grafts one at a time instead of cutting a strip of skin from a donor site like the back of the head (FUG technique or the strip method). FUE is relatively safe and has minimal discomfort, no scalpel incision, little to no risk of complication and faster recovery time. FUE , although more beneficial is a tedious and highly skilled procedure. NeoGraft uses an automated handheld device to remove follicles and implant them in balding areas. The NeoGraft automated FUE and implantation system makes this procedure faster, safer and more efficient.
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