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Ptosis Surgery

Everything you need to know:



  • Surgical
  • Average Cost is
    18,000 to 30,000
  • Recovery Time: 2-4 weeks
  • General Anesthesia



"Botox Brow Lift Ptosis is drooping of an upper eyelid of one or both eyes. In certain cases, the extreme drooping causes the upper eyelid to completely cover the eye and affecting vision. During the surgery, the leavator muscles of the eye are tightened, which allows easy lifting of the eyelids. This gives improved vision along with improved appearance. "

About the treatment

Droopy eyes can hamper vision as well as look and feel undesirable to some. Droopy eyelids can be corrected by Ptosis Surgery. The Ptosis Surgery tightens the muscle that lifts the upper eyelid. It makes the eyes appear open, wider and clear. The surgery itself takes less than an hour and is conducted under local anaesthesia so the client is awake during the surgery as only numbing shots are given. Only dissolvable stitches are put.

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