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Everything you need to know:



  • Surgical
  • Average Cost is
    1,35,000 to 2,50,000
  • Recovery Time: 1 day
  • Local Anesthesia



Liposculpture is a surgical procedure designed to perform more excessive body contouring through the removal and reshaping of fat deposits. Liposculpture is not used for weight loss, but rather to tighten up areas that already have good elasticity.

About the treatment

Liposculpture is a surgical procedure designed to perform more excessive body contouring through the removal and reshaping of fat deposits. Liposculpture is not used for weight loss, but rather to tighten up areas that already have good elasticity. It can enhance body contours by emphasising abdominal muscles or tapering a waist. It is used to enhance the definition of muscles and remove fat from problem areas, such as the stomach, neck, and chin. Liposculpture can be performed to contour the muscles and features of different parts of the body to make the look more attractive.

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