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Everything you need to know:



  • Non Surgical
  • Average Cost is
    40,000 to 60,000
  • Recovery Time: No downtime
  • No Anesthesia



CoolMini is an FDA-approved, non-surgical treatment for double chin, or fat under the chin. It uses a small attachment to the popular CoolSculpting device, which precisely freezes and destroys fat below the surface of the chin skin.

About the treatment

The CoolMini can help reduce a double chin. This innovative treatment reduces fat and tightens sagging skin beneath the chin gradually, with long-lasting results, which can eventually help to improve the overall appearance in various ways. CoolMini is an FDA approved treatment, that utilizes a small attachment to the CoolSculpting device, which precisely destroys fat and freezes below the surface of the skin. One can see results after one to two treatments of CoolMini. If anyone is bothered by a small pocket of fat that is not large enough for other treatments, CoolMini may offer the expected result one is looking for.

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