- Non Surgical
- Average Cost is
45,000 to 54,440 - Recovery Time: No downtime
- No Anesthesia
Botox is one of the top non-surgical procedures performed for the aesthetic treatment of crow’s feet, wrinkles, frown lines and deep lines on the forehead. Botox, also known as, Vistabel, is an injectable solution to lift and tighten your face and relaxes facial muscles to reduce the signs of ageing, as well as prevent new lines from forming. The common facial areas for Botox injections include the forehead, the corners of the eyes, the area between the eyebrows and the sides of the chin. Botox can also be used for other wide variety of conditions, including migraines, psoriasis, and excessive sweating.
- Namita Jain 17-Jul-2020
- Tanvi Mahajan 19-Aug-2020
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